This is where I’ll post my favorite recipes. I make no claim that these are original - I frequent several blogs and have a cookbook collection (or addiction, whatever) and am a passionate home chef. I give credit in the post to the true chefs and authors who provide these delights.

Kale Smoothie
Looking for a delicious way to get some green inside you? Try this recipe, adapted from Gwenyth Paltrow to increase the plant diversity.
Heirloom Tomato Fattoush Salad
This delicious, lemony tomato salad has plenty of microbiome-boosting plants and protein to keep you humming through your afternoon tasks.

Figgy Bread Pudding
It’s fig season! Use this recipe, if it pleases, to remind yourself that all work and no play makes for a very boring kitchen life!

Scrambled Egg Wrap
A super easy, tons-of-plants way to start your day.

Peach, Blueberry and Feta Salad
My Insta reel for this Peach Blueberry and Feta Salad was shared from a site called @delish, which is a paid recipe site (I didn’t realize that when I shared it). Here is my version.

French lentil salad with goat cheese and walnuts
Beans, Greens and Figs, oh my!
I’m sure I plagiarized this recipe from somewhere, but the inspiration is lost to the mists of time. Sweet and savory with a little kick from the red pepper flakes, this is a prebiotic feast for your little beasties.

Broccoli Candy
Made with frozen broccoli, this recipe will convert toddlers and make busy moms everywhere grateful for the dinner hack. Add a scrambled egg and dinner is done. You’re welcome.

9-plant kiwi spinach smoothie bowl
This smoothie makes a sunny start to any day, and is filled with plants to make all your bugs happy, too.

Alexandra Cooks’ No Knead Peasant Bread
This is my go-to bread recipe. It’s crazy easy, and contains no fake stuff. I store it in the refrigerator (not something that true bread snoots would approve of) but because it is real food, it will mold before my girls and I can eat it all. Toasted and smeared with butter, you’ll never know the difference.
Join The Happy Gut Club Online Course
This 12-week, small group online coaching course is led by Dr. Scholl and will teach you how to figure out what foods are causing symptoms and how to neutralize them. Go from IBS-d suffering to IBS-d freedom.